Thank you for renewing your subscription to e-lr. An email with the invoice attached will be sent to the address selected on your form. You will also receive a confirmation email with details of [...]
e-learning resources (Melville/Myers Pty Ltd ACN 106 068 562 trading as e-learning resources ABN 14 792 830 059) is committed to safeguarding personal information about its subscribers and other [...]
Thank you for subscribing with our Term 4 Special Offer! We will send a welcome email with your usernames, passwords and subscription details. If you elected to receive an invoice in Term 1, [...]
Here is a summary of links to resources on contemporary music on e-lr. Click on a link which interests you and use your name and password to log into the website when prompted. There is a folder [...]
Here is a summary of links to resources on Western art music on e-lr. Click on a link which interests you and use your name and password to log into the website when prompted. In the Western art [...]
Here is a summary of links to resources on Australian Aboriginal music on e-lr. Click on a link which interests you and use your name and password to log into the website when prompted. [...]